How to Grow Cup & Saucer Vines

Cobaea scandens, better known by the frequent name cup-and-saucer vine or cathedral bells, is a fast-growing plant that is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture planting zones 9 through 11. In warmer climates such as California, gardeners can enjoy it; although in most of the nation, this plant has been grown as an annual. Using its own cup – or bell-shaped green-to-purple or white blooms, the plant blooms when planted from seed, and sets up a thick screen of evergreen foliage, developing 25 feet in 1 season. Gardeners in regions have a bit of gratification, together with the flowers that are gaudy not making an appearance.

Starting from Seed

Nursery-grown cup-and-saucer vine seedlings are tough to locate, therefore starting from seed is your best option. Easily available online and on seed racks that are high heeled , they are slow to get going and tricky to germinate, so begin indoors six to eight weeks prior to the temperature warms up. Fill peat pots with mix — prepare baskets than the number with, since the seeds are difficult to germinate. Moisten the potting soil and nick the seed coat together its border that is longer . Press on the seed, then nicked border down, into the potting soil, therefore it’s just barely covered with soil. The seeds should germinate in 10 to 24 days, if kept moist and in a room where the temperature is Fahrenheit.

Site Considerations

Clear incorporate compost into a website from the garden near fence or a sturdy arbor that is in full sun and weeds. The website should also have well-draining soil. If you are uncertain how to tell when you’ve got well-draining soil, dig a 1-foot hole in which you wish to plant and then fill it with water. Let it drain and refill the hole. Stick at a yardstick and take a measurement of the water. Wait an hour and place the yardstick in again. If the water has gone down less than 2 inches, then the soil isn’t draining well, pick on another website. Vine requires some protection therefore it won’t be a fantastic fit for a number of gardens.


Once nighttime temperatures are consistently about 50 degrees F plant your cup-and-saucer vine seedlings outside. About a week before you expect to plant them, set your seedlings outside in a protected area — first for an hour or twolonger daily till they are out. Tear off any rim of the peat pot that extends above the soil level in the pot and then pop up the seedling — bud and all — in your website. Place them 24 to 36 inches apart if you are planting over one Cobaea scandens. Water well. Top of organic mulch.


Keep the plant moist although it’s established, but allow the 2 inches of soil to dry between waterings — test with your finger to be sure. It’s fairly drought tolerant once the plant has been established. Wilting leaves will tell you it requires more water. Fertilizer generally isn’t necessary the first year; but in future years, feed it. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers to promote flowering.


Since the plant grows, it produces tendrils from the ends of the terminal leaves on each stem cells, which wrap around surfaces such as cable, fence links or lattice to climb without help. You may need to initially guide the leader onto the support by tying it loosely to the aid with twine. Pinch off or redirect infantry branches if you want this wild grower to go in a specific 21, as they grow. Pinching the end of a pruning and stem branches off off low helps promote foliage at the base of the plant — helpful if you are using your cup-and-saucer vine. Seed pods shape from the fall, and you may have volunteer seedlings that you will need to remove. Clean up lost seed pods as well as dropped leaves in the fall. Trim back some of the oldest stems from the spring to promote new growth if the vine yearlong’re growing of the plant. Renew mulch every year.

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