The best way to Grow Canary Melons

Canary melons are also called Jaune des Canaries melons and San Juan canary melons. The rind is bright-yellow, as well as the melon is oblong-formed. The flesh is juicy and pale, having a mild taste similar to some honeydew melon. Canary melons need a growing period of approximately 80 to 3 months. They require lots of warmth to achieve maturity, therefore they can be hard to develop in the locations that are cooler, while melons prosper in the valleys of California. Consult microclimate details to ensure the growing period in your location is warm enough to permit the melons to achieve maturity and enough.

Check the acidity of your soil. Canary melons choose a slightly acidic soil, having a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. Amend required to carry it it to the pH array that was proper. Work organic matter and 5-5-5 fertilizer into the soil to provide the good drainage and %5d 5-5-5 fertilizer into the soil to provide the good drainage and nutrien5-5%5organic matter and 5-5%55%5organic matter and 5-5-5 fertilizer into the soil to supply the excellent drainage and nutritional elements needed by melons.

Sow the seeds into the backyard when all risk of of frost is past as well as the ground has warmed and dried. Build little hills in rows six-feet apart. Plant three to five seeds per hill and only one inch. Water carefully. When two sets of true leaves appear, leaving two plants per hill, thin seedlings. Plant two per hill, if you’re transplanting seedlings, and water carefully.

Water weekly, offering one to to 2 inches of water per week. Water in the morning to allow leaves to dry throughout the day. Water in the price of two inches per week when the fresh fruit was set by the blossoms. When the melon is beginning to mature, about three months before harvest cut back to one-inch per week.

Fertilize every 2 to 3 months with an all purpose fertilizer. Follow the directions on the fertilizer bundle.

Harvest when the melon slips easily from your stem and smells sweet.

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