The best way to Prune Phlox Subulata
November 21, 2017
Also called creeping phlox, Phlox subulata is a perennial that shades the landscape using a blanket of vibrant, five-petaled blooms in springtime. Phlox subulata is simple to develop but it will be revitalized by pruning, encourage new growth and keep the plant. A strong, cold-tolerant plant subulata thrives in dry soil and bright sunlight. It’s appropriate for developing in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zone 3 and above.
Cut phlox subulata again by one third to one half of its own height following the first flush of blooms fade in late spring. Use a weed trimmer or hedge shears. Use a mower with all the blade on the setting in the event the region is big.
Prune the plants a second-time, reducing back to about 3″, following the crops start to die down in drop and fade. The following year, do not prune any nearer to to the floor, as doing so might damage the crowns of the plants and avoid wholesome development.
Remove the trimmings using a rake avoid illness and discourage bugs.