What Makes My Violet Switch White?
January 3, 2020
African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha), which potentially grow outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 11 through 12, but are often grown as houseplants, are classic indoor flowering plants. The plants are distinctive for their leaves and flowers in purple, white, blue-purple, rose, yellow or pink. To find out why an African American”turns white,” it’s important that which has changed color — flowers, leaves or equally. A color change does not indicate the plant is unhealthy, but may be a indication of disease.
Powdery Mildew
Mildew afflicts African violets. The leaves become covered with a powdery. High humidity and air circulation bring about the spread of this disease, which starts with a few leaf spots. If all leaves have influenced, it’s ideal to throw out the plant. If only a few leaves have become white, eliminate and decrease humidity and crowding in the area. The affected leaves with a solution of 1 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in 1 quart of water and monitor.
Variegated Leaves
African violet leaves may be marked or green or variegated with cream or white. The variegation is usually caused by a genetic mutation. Green-leafed plants may occasionally produce”sport” or spontaneous genetic mutations that result in variegation so complete that the leaves appear almost entirely white. The leaves, may not grow more slowly than the white leaves, having little chlorophyll. Since the genetic mutations that result in those leaves are unstable, it is almost impossible to breed fresh plants in the leaves.
White Flowers
Flowers that seem to turn white may also be the result of sporting or spontaneous genetic mutation. A plant, for example, may bear sports at the kind of a couple of flowers. Flowers on the exact same plant might be combination. Modern African violets will be the result of a hybridization process, with some varieties having characteristics — such as leaf and blossom color — compared to others. There’s absolutely no method of knowing at buy time if the plant is stable, or prone to sports.
Violet Considerations
Subtle color changes in African violet leaves and flowers may be caused by abrupt changes in temperature or light. Such changes may also trigger the type of mutations that create more dramatic effects, like flowers that are white or leaves . To lessen the prospect of these changes, provide bright. Inside, this kind of lighting is generally found in windows and east or west-facing windows in the winter. Keep the plants in a temperature that is consistent and try to keep them.